What We Do

Real Results

In 2019, Tom Rawlings and Jennifer Shinpoch partnered together for the successful passage of Georgia’s first child centered law. It was the first law that started a momentum in Georgia to make steady improvements towards realigning our focus on what matters most, the abused child. Since that time, we have successfully improved juvenile court participation for caregivers, reduced the time children linger in care without permanency, and implemented successful educational screenings for children in care.

Our Mission

We aim to unite parents, foster parents, and caregivers to advocate for the rights and best interests of children and youth in foster care through child welfare policy reform, representation, and education.

Our Work

We promote legal and policy reform to improve the child welfare system by protecting the best interest of abused children and youth. Through our efforts we reduce the necessity for foster care, increase relative placements, reduce time in care, improve outcomes for foster children and youth, and expedite permanency timelines.

We educate foster youth, caregivers, relatives, and foster parents on their rights and responsibilities by providing regular trainings. This includes a “warm line” for help navigating case specific problems.

Go HERE to learn about the legislation we have worked on.